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The work of the Holy Spirit

Dear friends, greetings!

Today I would like to share with you a small reflection on the work of the Holy Spirit. All of us have a body, mind, soul and spirit. The soul is the highest and the most noble part of our being, bearing the reflection of the Eternal Nature of God. Within our soul is filled, or, exists in a mysterious union the spirit: either the Spirit of God or even other spirits. Every human being, and indeed, all of us, are thus a deep union of spirit and soul. The working of the Spirit of God in our lives is truly amazing and very much beyond all human comprehension or calculation. The Spirit of God "brooded over the waters" at the beginning of creation and also like a divine wind "blows where it wills". For this Divine Wind, this "ruah" to touch us a second is enough! If this Spirit touches our soul He starts His work in our soul (John 16.5-15). He starts leading us step by step towards the Image of God, Jesus Christ, some times taking months and years. But He is always with us, the Spirit of God, consoling us, praying in us, some times with "sighs and groans too deep for words" (Romans 8.26). We assist and accelerate the work of the Spirit when we meditate on Scripture which breaks, melts and moulds us in God's Image - as a great teacher and apostle of the Lord, Br. Victor (who is also my spiritual father) used to remind his listeners, we come to Jesus in a "rocket" when we accept 2 Timothy 3.16.

May the Lord Jesus Christ who has already stamped all of us with His Holy Spirit help us to turn to the Spirit and allow Him to rain down graces on us as we draw near to the Feast of Pentecost!


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