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Some effects of light and darkness

Dear friends, today's message I would like to share comes in the late evening! Today I share a little on light and darkness. The Bible tells us about light which surrounds our intellect (our mind and thoughts) and also the darkness which can cloud it.

The effects of light are beautiful: we think clearly, we are calm, we judge with balance, we are not too excited by changeable emotions, our minds are able to receive even injuries and hurts with the calm of the deep (the depths of the deep seas) which is not too easily affected by the winds, even emotions such as lust or anger fail to disturb our minds beyond a certain slight initial stir - we know and are filled with the certainty of a deep peace of knowing that we are in the hands of the Lord! What a great grace indeed it is for our intellect to be surrounded by the Light of Grace.

Now compare the effect of darkness - a certain anger troubles our mind, lust disturbs us constantly, pride makes its appearance at every turn and we turn to sadness, we feel slothful, we lack energy and enthusiasm, we waste time, we are confused, unable to make those calm decisions which fill us with the peace of knowing that they are the right decisions and so forth. Darkness and Light! What a fight they make to wrest control of our minds! A fight undergoes between the God of Light and the Prince of darkness to take over the human mind.

In the middle of this warfare, ours is an important role. If we are able to bring to our minds the Name of Jesus, and are able to call upon this Name, the Only Name which has the power to drive out this Ruler of darkness - yes indeed! Listen to what the Lord says to St. Paul, "I send you to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light, from the dominion of Satan to God, and receive through faith in Me (in JESUS) the forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among the sanctified." (Acts 26.17-18) It is faith in Jesus Christ - which means a constant acknowledgment of our intellect to the sacrifice Jesus Christ has paid for us on the Cross - that is going to win for us a transfer from darkness to light.

Therefore, dearest friends, heirs of the promise of a Kingdom which is yours to inherit and which comes soon for you, let us hold fast to our profession of faith. Let us constantly repeat the Name of Jesus with our lips and give Him the place of LORD in our heart! Good night!


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