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Showing posts from September, 2014

Lord, may I become foolish, may I become dust!

Dear Lord, When I look at You, I am thrown into confusion. For I see You on the Cross - naked, powerless, crucified, devoid of any intellectual prowess, helpless, thirsty, crowned with thorns, bleeding. Lord, is this God's Wisdom? Is this the wisdom that I must aim to possess? What of my plans, my intellectual knowledge that I am so proud of, all the other things I am curious to understand and know, my thirst for recognition, success, fame... ? Lord, before Your crucified figure, I am thrown into confusion. Allow me also to completely strip myself of all that I possess, and to humble myself. Allow me to become poor for your sake, weak for your sake, foolish for your sake, dumb for your sake, misunderstood for your sake, naked for your sake, stripped of everything for your sake. Lord, when I look at You in the Eucharist, again I am amazed. I see a new knowledge opening in front of Me. You are God, yet You have become Bread. What is this? What do you want to tell me? If you ...